A Stumble Into Manufacturing

 Dec 2016

Education takes up such a large majority of our lives, yet, do we really take the time to educate ourselves on what careers are out there?

When applying for a job at G&B, I didn’t consider what type of sector it was in, I didn’t  think I’d become part of an industry, that quite frankly I had no prior knowledge of. I never looked into what the manufacturing industry consisted of, nor the efforts that took place in each department to bring together one crucial thing, the finished product.

When considering important and fulfilling jobs, we look to the user of an instrument, a doctor saving someone’s life, a firefighter putting out a burning building, yet, we don’t stop to consider who makes the products, the multiple people involved, from designing to manufacturing. Unless you work within the industry it is hard to fully appreciate how much time and effort goes in to each product, as well as how policies and political changes impact on the business.


Prior to my first day, I expected this industry to be quite slow and routine, I didn’t fully understand what the business did and all the different stages a project had to go through, before reaching it’s final destination.  

Manufacturing is such a fast pace industry, with every department facing different questions and challenges on a daily basis. My role within the business offers me a variety of tasks, some more admin based and some that have helped me gain more knowledge about the industry that I wouldn’t otherwise know. This job is completely not what I expected, but it’s a job that keeps me on my toes and one that will hopefully get me far in life.

 Before G&B, I was part osmtf the majority who  felt that manufacturing was a male  orientated profession, yet, there are so many passionate and inspiring women  leading this company that prove so many otherwise. In the UK we have the lowest  percentage of women in manufacturing and this is something that needs to change!  We need to break gender stereotypes and prove to women what an empowering  career this is. At G&B we have such a strong team of both men and women and we  need to be encouraging more of these passionate, driven people, to consider the  industry, through doing this, products can evolve, ideas can evolve and the  industry in general can become even more efficient.

 Manufacturing is a job I never considered being in and it’s just sort of…happened. I  had no idea how many opportunities were available in this industry from working in  the factory, operating machinery, to managing a project.

This job has taught me that we must get out of our comfort zones and not conform to what society leads us to believe is what we’re suited for, as doing this will lead us to never fully knowing our true potential.



By Chloe Magee

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